Express tax and Bookkeeping Services

Express Tax and Bookkeeping Services


Key Tax Mistakes You Are Making Right Now

An individual not only has to bear the burden of tax but also has the shoulder the responsibility of paying the #taxes on time. However, it is quite unfortunate that tax illiteracy makes the individuals pay higher taxes which might sabotage their #financial decisions in the future. The IRS suggests that there are millions of people who make simple yet substantial mathematical errors while filing their tax returns. Individual taxes, hence, can become a problem for anyone who does not have enough knowledge of how personal taxes work. Seeking help from a certified CPA may help in this case.

Here are some common personal #taxes mistakes that you make as well as some lost opportunities that can be used to make individual taxes less burdensome for you.

  • Taking deductions

Before you know about the taxes you have to pay, know about the deductions that you are eligible for. These deductions will help you in filing returns that are not only accurate but also solve your tax burden to a great extent. Not claiming deductions or claiming an incorrect sum are equally problematic for you. Therefore, pay great attention to these small sums.

  • Don’t rely too heavily on tax software

There are many great tax software in the market and each of them claims to be highly accurate with the results. However, you should not depend on these software completely. It is always wise to double check all your accounting details in order to ensure that you are getting the best personal taxes details for your individual self.

  • Cross check everything

As we told you above, computation mistakes are the most common individual tax issues. Hence, you should ensure that you cross check all your computations. You should make sure that you carry over the right figures and fill the right forms. Not only this, you should also include all the incomes and deductions you have. Do not rely on any guesses and use only the most accurate data you have.

  • Social security numbers and investment

The K-1 is quite important when it comes to your #investments. Therefore, keep a check on the results of your investment. Moreover, make sure that you are providing the right social security numbers as well. Individual taxes rely heavily on your social security numbers.

All in all, we suggest you to ensure that you compute all your taxes, #deductions and exemptions correctly and spend some time in cross checking all the data. Finding a good #accountant and planning in advance will be helpful.

Blog written by Liz Soria #helpquickbooks

Express Tax and Bookkeeping Services  www.etbsfl.com phone 954-788-2870



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