
Express Tax & Bookkeeping services

Businesses often face a huge burden in the form of taxes. While #business taxes are quite confusing for an average business #owner, filing, returns and errors become other headaches that one has to go through every time. This leaves a room for mistakes. Therefore, we will be discussing some of the most common mistakes that you can make with your business #tax.
• Choosing the wrong business entity
This mistake is quite common among #business owners. Most people will be start out as a sole proprietor or an LLC. However, they forget to take a look back at their business and judge whether the same entity works for them now. For example, a small business owner may start as a sole proprietor. However, if his business expands further, he will have to change his business #entity and move to an #LLC. You must take a look at your returns and ask your tax #planning advisor if there is a need to convert your #entity.
• Leaving the job solely on the tax planning professional
Avoiding business tax mistakes is easier for business owners who take personal #interest in their business #finances. You should not leave all the work on the tax professional alone. Ensure that you become a part of the tax planning process. If you simply believe in passing essential information to the #CPA and getting reports and returns, your business will likely suffer in the long run. Take responsibility for your #taxes.
Entitlement is not wrong
Hundreds of business owners opt for worse tax business practices simply because they do not take the deductions they really deserve. All this happens because they do not understand #IRS and tax processes fully. Tax planning #professionals have a hard time convincing business #owners that they can take the money that they deserve and their deductions are not always unreasonable. So listen to your #Accountant and don’t be afraid to make the cut. You might be paying unnecessary taxes because of your fear.
• You need to be extremely good at record-keeping
#Bookkeeping is the basis of all accounting. When bookkeeping is done wrong, your entire business will fail to flourish. So ensure that you pay attention to bookkeeping and record every single detail necessary for your business.
Finally, we would like to suggest you to ensure that you always pay your taxes on time. Always keep in touch with a good accountant and ensure that your business is in good #financial health.

#Blog written by Liz Soria  #helpquickbooks    www.etbsfl.com


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